Nikoo Events

Privacy Policy

The seller is responsible for the problems that the product or service has during use by the buyer.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, buyer agrees that after purchasing ticket to training / conference / in-house training products, is not able to get refund on his ticket, exception is transferring ticket to another person.

If a product or service has a defect that can be removed, the buyer has the right to be removed free of charge, timely and properly. The seller is required to remove the problem without undue delay.

In the case of a problem that can not be eliminated and which prevents the product or service from being properly used as a product or service without a problem, the buyer has the right to exchange the product or service for another product or service or has the right to withdraw from the contract. The same rights apply to the buyer if there are removable problems, but if the buyer can not rectify any problems after repair or for a greater number of problems, the product or service is properly used. In the case of other non-removable problems, the buyer is entitled to an appropriate discount on the price of the product or service.

Claiming a claim means terminating a claim by repairing a product or service, exchanging a product or service for another, returning the purchase price of the product or service, paying a reasonable discount on the price of the product or service, a written request for payment or a reasoned refusal.

When making a claim, the seller will determine the manner of handling the claim immediately or in complex cases no later than 3 business days from the date of the claim, in justified cases, especially if a complex technical assessment of the condition of the product or service is required, no later than 30 days after the date of the complaint. After determining how the complaint is handled, the claim will be rectified immediately, and in justified cases the complaint may be recovered later; However, the claim may not take longer than 30 days from the date of the claim. Upon expiration of the deadline for handling the claim, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract or has the right to exchange the product or service for another product.

The seller is required to issue a receipt to the buyer when claiming. If a complaint is filed via email, the seller is required to deliver the claim confirmation to the buyer immediately; if it is not possible to deliver the receipt immediately, it must be delivered without undue delay, but at the latest with a proof of equipment; the claim confirmation does not need to be delivered if the buyer has the ability to prove the claim in another way.