Nikoo Events

Redefining business for a modern age

A decade before when my parents were looking for updating their knowledge on personal finance, they heard about some courses on the radio but were unable to find it. That's when I thought - what if there was a way for people to get access to these courses at their discretion?

We are an International training & conference organising company and we believe that knowledge is for everyone. We don't think experience is the only way to learn how to become successful no matter which field you're in. Zeal for learning and growing should always be high in spirits, even if you're an expert already. We want to offer the best first-hand learning experience so that you can improve your career, life, and business relationships with others by joining our courses today!

We are constantly developing partnerships with companies to keep them ahead of trends in the industry. We have a global network of contacts and ensure our clients stay relevant and always have an edge over the competition.

Our team spans 15+ nationalities and 13+ countries.


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